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Hanna Enterprises, Inc. is a family owned business that has been delivering complete custom sewing services to various industries since 1987. Please contact us today to learn what we can do for you.
  • DIE CUTTING SERVICES for leather, vinyl, cardboard, plastics, etc.
  • Industrial sewing machines: Brother, Juki, Sewpro, Consew, etc.
Over 25 years of experience in almost any sewn product. examples include:
  • FLAGS: American stitched/embroidered and nylon/cotton print with hem
  • ACCESSORIES: scarves, headwraps, belts, camera straps, bags
  • MUSIC: guitar straps, band uniforms
  • APPAREL: athletic, yogawear, formal/evening gowns, cheerleading, leotards, leggings, etc.
  • BAGS: handbags, clutches, totes, gym bags, yoga bags, specialty sports bags
  • iNDUSTRIAL: protective apparel for laboratory and construction, public service uniforms
  • HOME GOODS: napkins, drapes, mattress pads and covers, upholtery products, covers for cars, etc.
Expertise.  Quality.  Reliability.

2013 by Hanna Enterprises, Inc.


6027 W Irwing Park Road

Chicago, IL 60634​


T: 773-343-1505

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